Child Death Overview Panels, on behalf of their respective LSCBs collect and review information about each child death with a view to identifying:

  • Any case giving rise to the need for a review mentioned in Regulation 5(1)(e) of the Local Safeguarding Children Board Regulations 2006;
  • Any matters of concern affecting the safety and welfare of children in the area of the authority; and
  • Any wider public health or safety concerns arising from a particular death or from a pattern of deaths in that area

Four CDOPs cover all of Greater Manchester.  All collect data in a common format to allow sharing of information in order to build a picture of emerging themes and patterns across the sub-region.  The findings from child deaths is used to inform local strategic planning on how to best safeguard and reduce harm in children and to promote better outcomes for our children in the future.  Data is also returned annually to the DfE to inform the national picture.